Land O-Lakes GC: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, will be the first tournament for the 2024 season. Southeastern Fellowship Golf Association. If you plan to play, contact Linwood, Rob, LR or John after March 13, 2024 and before 6 PM, Sunday March 17, 2024. Foursomes will be created Sunday. If your plans change, please contact Rob so he can make possible accommodations.
Please plan to arrive early. We will have annual registration/contact info forms, and SFGA annual membership fees, green and cart fees, and buy-in for the 10 AM shotgun start.
Southeastern Fellowship Golf Association Rules
Fees: Dues are $25 a year for each player and must be paid before participating in your first event.
Schedules: Southeastern Fellowship golf events will be held every Tuesday at 10:00 A.M., shotgun start, beginning Tuesday, March 19, 2024 through November 12, 2024, weather permitting. We have one “open” Tuesday- May 21. This day may be used as a weather makeup date.
Tees and such: Play at all events will be from the Gold or Red tees.
Players 75 and over can play the Red tees.
The ball may be moved one club length anywhere on the course except in a hazard.
A ball on the green, inside the leather is considered holed out in order to speed up play.
Events: All events will be two scores except for the captain choice events.
There is an entry $5.00 fee for each event.
Event tee times will be 10:00 A.M. all season.
Players may contact any board member to enter, however, the deadline for entry in any event is 6:00 P.M. the Sunday prior to the event.
Board Members:
Linwood Hedgepeth (910) 734-7161
Rob Conway (910) 640-9249
John Blake (910) 641-2819
L.R. Odham (910) 770-2449

To clarify a ball on the green inside the leather is considered holed out. I assume that means within the length of the putter grip 🤔 As this should to me be important as a gimme from that distance is acceptable 😎👍🏌️♂️🏌️♂️
What are the SFGA fees this year please 😎👍🏌️♂️🏌️♂️
I have reached out to some of our past members regarding playing this year and have had some mixed replies. It would all seem to stem from handicaps. I have listened and feel that as senior old men we should be able to just play the game and enjoy and that as was once mentioned to me by an old Scottish schoolboy champion that “it’s not how well you play the game but the person you are when playing it” ! Despite this perhaps we should be willing to acknowledge there is some dissension and as such we should come to some amicable way to accommodate what is differing views. As for me I am happy to play with y’all…
What is the best way to contact Rob, John, LR or Linwood about our plans!?
Caution advised regarding the above golfers 🏌️♂️ they have been known to wear sombreros 😳